Home » The Female Dragon Plant: A Touch of Pink in Your Home

The Female Dragon Plant: A Touch of Pink in Your Home

by Plantale
female dragon plant

Dragon plants are among the most beloved houseplants, and for good reason. These low-maintenance indoor plants evoke images of lush tropical landscapes – especially when you throw in a pop of pink! That’s right, pink dragon plants are definitely a thing! There are two species of dragon plant that tend to lean toward the lighter shade of red: the standard dragon plant (Dracaena marginata) and the golden dragon plant (Dracaena goldendistel).

But now there’s a third variety for you to grow and love. Introducing: The female dragon plant. As is the case with many other types of houseplants, female vs male distinctions aren’t limited just to humans. It turns out that your dracaenas are either females or males. This can go a long way in determining how happy they will be in their home.

What is a Female Dragon Plant?

Dracaena fragrans is a plant species native to tropical Asia. It is most commonly known as the “female dragon plant” because it is one of the two species used in breeding to produce the “male dragon plant” Dracaena marginata.

Why Does It Matter If a Plant Is Male or Female?

In the plant kingdom, pollination is key. Flowers produce pollen to entice bees, beetles, birds and other creatures to carry it from flower to flower, thereby allowing them to reproduce. If you have ever noticed little yellow specks on your petals, you’ve seen pollen.

Dracaena plants are monoecious, which means their flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs. Male flowers produce pollen, while female flowers produce flowers that produce seeds. This is important because, while female dragon plants produce flowers, they have no way to pollinate and reproduce.

How to Tell if Your Dragon Plant is Male or Female

There are a few ways to determine if you have a male or female dragon plant, but pollination is the most reliable method. If you have a female dragon plant, pollination will yield nothing. If you have a male dragon plant, pollination will lead to the formation of tiny black seeds. There are other techniques you can use to determine the sex of your dragon plants, but these methods aren’t as reliable.

One method is to look at the roots. If the plant is growing from a rhizome, it is likely a female. If it is growing from a stem, it is likely a male. Another method is to examine the leaves. Female dragon plants produce leaves that are larger and more rounded at the base, while male dragon plants produce leaves that are smaller and more pointed.

Where to Buy a Female Dragon Plant

Since female dragon plants don’t produce pollen, they are relatively easy to find at the local garden centre. You can also take advantage of the internet to purchase your flowering indoor plants. You will probably have to order your female dragon plant online because it is less common than the male variety. You can also purchase them in a variety of colours and patterns.

Pink Dracaena: The Newest Member of the Family!

If you have a female dragon plant, you can now grow a pink variety as well! This beautiful plant grows quickly and produces gorgeous white/pink flowers. It’s also a great addition to offices and other indoor spaces that may not be able to support a full-sized flowering plant.

Pink dracaenas are relatively new to the indoor plant scene. You can buy seeds online and grow them at home, but be aware that it will take a while. Pink dragon plants are bred from white/pink varieties and take a long time to create. It’s important not to rush the process.

Bottom line

Due to their tropical origins, dragon plants thrive when kept in warm and humid conditions. They also prefer bright, but indirect sunlight. If you are growing a flowering variety of dragon plant, you will want to make sure the plant isn’t getting too much light. If your dragon plant is flowering, reduce the amount of light it is exposed to.

Too much light can cause the flowers to wither and die before they have a chance to open. Keep in mind that dragon plants are toxic to dogs and cats. If you have small children in your home, be mindful of where you place these plants. Ingestion could be harmful to both humans and animals!


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