Virtual hiring is the new normal. It’s not just for big companies anymore, but it can make a huge difference for small businesses too. In fact, one study found that companies with fewer than 50 employees are more likely to use virtual hiring than those with more than 500 workers. This means that even if your company isn’t ready to go all-in on virtual hiring yet or if it’s still figuring out how best to use the technology it might be worth taking note of some of these tips so you can prepare yourself for when it does become necessary.
1. Prepare and plan
The first step to creating a successful virtual hiring strategy is planning. You need to know what you’re doing and how you’re going to do it before you start interviewing candidates. It’s also important that your organization has an organized approach to dealing with potential candidates (and not just the interview itself). This means having a plan for everything from the virtual interview, through follow-up calls or emails, all the way down until after they’ve been hired.
If your company doesn’t have any kind of formalized process for hiring new employees and especially if it’s large enough that there aren’t already established processes in place you’ll want to take some time now so that when new hires come into play later on down the road they’ll be able to smoothly transition into their new role without any hiccups along the way!
2. Set the agenda
The second step is to set the agenda. This can be a simple, two-sentence statement that serves as your mission statement for the interview “I want to find someone who has experience in this area and will be able to help me grow my business.”
This allows you to focus on learning more about each candidate as they come in, without having any preconceived notions about what kind of person or skillset each would bring.
3. Have a plan for the actual interview
- Use a standard set of questions that you can use across all interviews, regardless of who you’re interviewing. Why do you want this job, for instance?” and “What are your top three strengths as an employee?” are suitable questions, to begin with (and they work well because they are simple to respond to). After that, ask open-ended questions like those above try not to use too many leading questions in your initial conversations with candidates this will make them feel like they’ve been asked just what they want their answers to sound like rather than being asked their opinion on something important or interesting that happened recently in their lives or career path.
4. Focus on engagement
The next step is to focus on engagement. In order to ensure your virtual hiring strategy is effective, it’s essential to make sure that you use the right technology and tools. For example, if your company is looking for candidates who are currently working in a certain industry or area of expertise, then it can be helpful to create an application where users can upload their resumes or cover letter so that they can share their qualifications with potential employers.
You also want to make sure that whatever platform or software tool(s) you choose will help recruiters keep track of how many applicants apply for each position and when those applications were submitted (and not just at some point in time). This way, recruiters will have an accurate picture of what types of people are applying for open positions and this information can help them decide whether there’s enough interest in specific positions before proceeding further with job postings online.”
5. Be prepared to adapt
If you’re looking to hire a candidate, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will have their own set of priorities when it comes to working with your company. It’s important to consider these factors as well as your own before sending off an offer letter or conducting an interview and making adjustments in response.
- Adapting the environment: Your candidate may not be willing or able to work where and how you want them to (for instance, if there are no other options). Be sure not only that the job role is compatible with their skill set but also that it provides them with enough flexibility so they can fit into your organization comfortably.
- Adapting schedules: If there are conflicts between yours and theirs (e.g. vacation days), try finding ways around them (e.g. by offering flexible hours) instead of trying harder to accommodate both parties’ needs at once!
6. Be prepared to go digital with your onboarding process too
A digital onboarding process is a great way to engage new hires and keep them engaged throughout their first few weeks. With the tool, you can use digital tools for:
- Keeping your employees informed about what’s going on in the company and why they should care about it
- Make sure that your employees feel safe while working remotely (and even before they start)
- Make sure that your employees are productive at work
Virtual Hiring is the new normal and companies need to prepare themselves.
As a company, you need to prepare for the future. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start thinking about how your organization will be able to hire top talent in the coming years.
Virtual hiring is becoming a more common practice due to its ease of use and low cost compared with traditional methods like phone interviews or in-person interviews. However, there are still many challenges associated with this type of recruiting process that companies should consider before jumping into virtual hiring.
A successful virtual hiring strategy is about making sure you’re attracting the right candidates and helping them succeed in your company. It’s about getting the best people for the job, not just getting people who can work from home or in an office with no distractions. And it’s about making sure you’re screening them carefully so they don’t slip through the cracks when they need to be hired on site. It requires a lot of work upfront, but once you’ve created a winning process, it’ll pay off big time over time and that’s why we believe so strongly in creating a virtual hiring strategy right from the start!