Do you have trouble utilizing the airplane’s Wi-Fi to check your email and send a message? Check out these suggestions for enhancing your online experience and saving time. It’s not unusual for airplanes now to have internet connections. So surfing the web while cruising at 35,000 feet is a breeze. Wi-Fi speeds on planes are still very sluggish, however. This is because supplying it is arduous. Airplane Wi-Fi is difficult to set up and is provided by identical geostationary satellites. That broadcast television and weather reports.
As Wi-Fi aboard planes becomes more widespread. Work is being done to improve connectivity to the same level as on the ground. But until then, here are some ways to enhance your in-flight Wi-Fi experience.
1) Turn off auto-updates and photo-sync features
When connected to Wi-Fi, a device will often conduct automated updates and photo backups. On the ground, these updates have minimal impact on your device’s speed. But they can be a significant bottleneck when you’re linked to the in-flight Wi-Fi. explains you more in detail about the auto-updates and other latest information. Keep it in mind for your photo archives as well. Therefore, it is preferable to disable software updates and photo backups temporarily.
2) Don’t wait until you’re in the air to download large files.
Why wait until you’re in the air to download that movie or short video? Or an essential work file you need to get through the flight?
What takes seconds to load on the ground could take hours in the air if you’re using in-flight Wi-Fi. Well, there’s more! Using a lot of bandwidth while in flight might cause your connection to drop. Suppose you are downloading large files or streaming video.
3) Cloud Services Should Be Put On Hold
Because cloud services need so much bandwidth, it’s best to log out of them before connecting to the in-flight Wi-Fi.
Disabling slowing services may be necessary if your Internet connection is unreliable, as is often the case with in-flight Wi-Fi. After you’ve safely landed, you can activate sync.
4) Turn off any add-ons your browser has and any background apps that use the internet.
Almost every electronic gadget we own has programs. They are always running in the back and making invisible online connections. Apps like Maps, Weather, & Location are just a few examples. Suppose you want to enjoy quicker and more reliable Wi-Fi while in the air. Turn them off while you’re still located on the ground.
Unless you want to be in the clouds as your browser loads its contents slowly. Equally applicable to bandwidth-hogging browser add-ons.
5) Don’t have too many tabs open at once:
Having many active tabs might slow down your connection to the in-flight Wi-Fi. So be mindful of how many you have open. As a result, it’s recommended that you limit the number of open tabs on your smartphone.
Unfortunately, if you’re like most people and regularly forget to shut tabs when you’re done surfing the internet on the ground—performing the same thing while in the air might end up costing you a lot of data. Suppose you want to maximize the speed of your in-flight Wi-Fi. Try to limit yourself to a single tab and remember to shut all tabs periodically.
6) Delete Your Cache
Your in-flight Wi-Fi may already contain a cached entry from the site you’re trying to view. If it can’t find the page you’re trying to open, it may try to take you back to your previous entry.
A cached entry may prevent you from reaching the in-flight Wi-Fi login page. But it shouldn’t cause any significant problems on its own. Additionally, emptying your cache has helped accelerate in-flight Wi-Fi in some instances. However, this is not a precise science (see tip number 10!).
7) Make Mobile Sites Your Default Even If You’re on a Desktop
It used the mobile version of a webpage, even on a laptop. It is another option to reduce data use and boost in-flight Wi-Fi. This is because a mobile website may be loaded with significantly less information than its desktop counterpart.
The amount of data you use on the plane’s Wi-Fi can be lowered by using the browser’s data compression option.
8) Revert to Using Automatic DNS!
Issues with in-flight Wi-Fi may arise if you have manually set up domain name system (DNS) servers to improve performance or preserve privacy.
For one thing, specific untrusted servers may not be capable of taking you where you want to go if you are experiencing slow Wi-Fi or connection problems while in flight. You may speed things up by switching back to automated DNS.
9) Curb the Overload of Devices
Wi-Fi on planes is notoriously unreliable and often painfully sluggish. The more gadgets you have linked to your Wi-Fi, the slower it will be for everyone. The airplane’s Wi-Fi connection is shared with many people. So you only have a tiny fraction of the speed you do at home.
It is not uncommon for people to carry their connected devices in concealed locations. Such as a briefcase or even a backpack. An increase in demand for available bandwidth is possible. If previously connected devices, instantly rejoin the in-flight Wi-Fi. Avoid having your idle electronics drain the in-flight Wi-Fi by ensuring they are not linked to the network.
10) Don’t go without seeing the sights you want to see from the air before you take off!
While it’s true that emptying your cache before connecting to the plane’s Wi-Fi will make things run faster, the reverse may be the case.
It’s a good idea to check out the sites you’ll need before you go. So that your computer already has a copy of the information. There’s no need for your airline’s Wi-Fi to retrieve everything at once, especially if your trip has spotty service.
Enhance the Quality of Wi-Fi On Board
Our time is limited, and our lives are increasingly conducted online due to the high stakes involved in our personal and professional lives. We can no longer afford to waste time doing anything. Keep in touch, but don’t forget to take precautions.
Wi-Fi on planes is just as risky as any other public network. Use a virtual private network (VPN) and other measures to ensure your online safety. Turning off automatic downloads, backups, & cloud services will significantly enhance your in-flight Wi-Fi experience.